Friday, November 18, 2011

How do i take a leaf cutting of a spider plant?

I would like some more spider plants for my daughters house. How do i go about taking leaf cuttings?

Any website links would be useful.

How do i take a leaf cutting of a spider plant?
A 100% method of propagating these plants is when the plant is over one season old it will send out little 'spiders' on drooping stems. fill a 3 and a half inch pot with a good compost, and plant the spiderlet in the pot without severing from the stem. Hold in place if necessary with something like a bent paper clip. If you look at the base of the baby you can see the fleshy roots already forming. Otherwise just cut the baby off and plant the pot, but the above method is foolproof. After about three weeks cut the umbylical cord.
Reply:you got get a female plant that has babies!and plant the baby!
Reply:LOl very funny!
Reply:You don't take a leaf cuttings from a spider plant they have runners with the young plants on. Just plant the baby in a pot but keep it attached to the parent. keep moist. When its rooted you can then cut the runner from the parent plant.
Reply:all you do is cut off one of the "spiders" from the main plant ant stick it in a pot of soil,,,realy easy!
Reply:Try here.
Reply:You don't take leaf cuttings from the spider plant. If you are lucky enough to have "babies" dangling from it, just gently pull the babies off and re-pot with plenty of water in the potting compost (they like it). Don't let it get too dry and you should have a nice plant in a few weeks. They are quite hardy so any temperature suits them BUT don't put in a very sunny spot as they will turn very pale, almost white. Don't touch the leaf parts as they turn brown and die. Hope that's helpfull.
Reply:just cut one of the hangy bits off and stick it in a pot of wet compost. my mums got dozens of them, all from a plant that i grew from a bit of stem tha i found on the pavement when i was about 5, and that one is still alive.

Rubber Slippers

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