Friday, May 14, 2010

Separating the Bulbs of a Spider Lilly?

We have just planted some Spider Lilly's into two garden beds. When we were at the nursery, all of their Spider Lilly's (potted) were clumped together which looked really full and effective. Now that we've planted ours at home, they are spaced about 30cm apart (10 plants in straight line in each garden). The garden beds are probably about 1 metre wide. The gardener said that the plants we bought are close to full size. Trouble is, the garden bed still looks quite thin and incomplete, like it needs more plants in there to have that full look that we were hoping for.

When we were at the nursery the gardener mentioned something about separating the bulbs and replanting them. At the time we were just like, "yeah yeah yeah" but now we are wondering how this is actually done? Do you just pull the plant apart, breaking the roots or is there more of "art" to it?? Should we do this, or just buy another 20 plants and fill the garden up? Obviously we know very little about plants :)

Separating the Bulbs of a Spider Lilly?
just gently 'tease' the bulbs apart. For the first year I would leave a clump of 4 bulbs. Do this every other year and you'll end up with loads of them. Don't worry about them, they're tough little so and so's.
Reply:GL is correct. Dig one up and examine it, you'll see the "pups". Lillies are pretty tough, no "art" to it. Have fun playing in the dirt.
Reply:The plants should of had bulbs clumped toghther in the pot. Gently seperate the bulbs apart and plant in the ground. Not hard to do. In a year or two you will need to do this again.

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