Friday, May 14, 2010

Spider mite?

I brought my olive tree indoors and it is losing its leaves. I have noticed many are still suspended by a single strand of what look like spiders web before they fall. Is this spider mite? I put another plant nearby and it started to lose whole leaves. I tried a general bug killer but to no avail. Help?

Spider mite?
If it's spider mites, the leaves will get yellow speckles before they drop off. You will also be able to see the mites on the undersides of the leaves. Some ways of treating mites indoors are to spray with insecticidal soap. Also, bagging the plant to increase the humidity can kill mites as.
Reply:The bugs might be Scale. An organic insecticidal soap should take care of them.

Your Olive tree sounds like it needs to be outside. It most likely went into shock from to radical of a move to inside. If it has to be inside get it as much light as possible. Plant lights from a nursery may be your best option until the winter is over. Good Luck.
Reply:I use a "moving freckle" test. Hold a piece of white paper under the plant and gently tap the plant with a pencil or shake it a little,then look closely at the paper and watch for moving freckles. A closer look with a hand lens will show little critters with red side spots. I would try a systemic on all your plants (except edibles).
Reply:I think they are spider mites. So you can use "Spider-Mite Predators" --

Or you can use "Bug Assassin Natural Pest Killer" which is very effective and organic way to get rid of bugs --
Reply:Yes - spider mites

Don't ever use ant/roach/bug killer spraycans on your plants. It will defoliate them.

We use Cygon 2E. Two applications 10 to 14 days apart will zap them. If you can not get Cygon 2E, any other miticide approved for indoor or greenhouse plants will do the job.

Take the plants outside and away from your living area. Hose down the foliage first, then spray when dry.

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