Friday, May 14, 2010

Cleaning spider mites off indoor plants?

I have planters in an atrium. It's a pretty large room, I see little tiny spider webs on them, it seems like once they start they quickly get worse and then damage the plant. I think they are called spider mites. I don't know for sure. It makes thee plant look dusty or powdery.

Cleaning spider mites off indoor plants?

Hi Motogirl, sounds like you have a beautiful room and you love your plants. I grow plants and also seek out and spray for diseases and insects, this is what I do for a living. I beleive this is the best job in the world. In my studies about spider mites, it says that mites love dry air. It sounds as though you may need to bump up the humitity in your atrium or mist your plants.

This will prevent them from coming back, hopefully. As for cleaning them off your plants, you can take a cloth[damp] and manually wipe them off, which you really should do, as well as buying a fungicide and insectacide systemic and treat it through the soil. Before you add the systemic to your soil you will need to make sure your plants have recently been watered ant they are moist and not dry, this prevents the plant from burning from the treatment. When you add the liquid systemic to your pots start with a sip at a time. You want to saturate your soil, but not to the point that the liquid leaks from the bottom of the pot. Give them a half a cup every hour until the liquid is gone. Read your directions. If you prefer not to be a plant Dr., just dust your plants more and bump up the humity. Plants like to be touched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:use insect soap
Reply:hort oil any plant and garden shop should cary it spray it in the leaves good luck

Here is a link that may be helpful:

I have been using a "Systemic" houseplant insect control by Bonide.

I had been having the same issues with spider mites on the fuchsias that are growing in my house.

This product seems to be doing a good job.

You will notice an odor for awhile though, but just cover up with some of your soil.

You can get this stuff at Lowes, or online.

It's not very expensive.

Merry Chrismas, and hope this helps.

Reply:hand dish soap spray it on with spray bottle mixed with water works great for all bugs
Reply:Dysiston scratched into the soil, then watered in kills lots of bad bugs on your plants. Available at nurseries.

Dog Teeth

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